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01 Aug 2019

The Federal Electricity and Water Authority conducts an awareness lecture to Ajman Civil Defense staff

​‪‬As part of its series of awareness lectures, aimed at disseminating and consolidating the culture of conservation of consumption among various segments of society, few days earlier, the Conservation Department carried out an awareness lecture for the employees of Ajman Civil Defense, under the title "Achieving Sustainable Development through Conservation of Electricity and Water Consumption" attended by about 40 employees. ‬‬‬‬
‪The lecture, presented by Zein Al Wafai, Strategic Partnership Analyst at the Conservation Department, included a review of the Authority efforts in the field of conservation, in order to contribute to achieving the UAE's vision for the sustainability of resources, as well as a thorough explanation of the methods and behaviors of conservation, and the importance of adopting these positive behaviors, whether within the work institutions or outside. ‬‬‬‬
‪At the end of the lecture, Brigadier Abdul Aziz Al Shamsi, Director of Ajman Civil Defense, expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Federal Electricity and Water Authority for its tangible efforts in the field of conservation and sustainability. ‬‬‬‬

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