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How can I inquire about my bill ?

Through our website, enter your 12 digit account number that is mentioned on your monthly consumption bill.

Bill Enquiry Service

What are the available methods for paying my consumption bills ?

 You can pay through:

  • Main EtihadWE​ office in Dubai.​
  • Our offices located in the northern emirates FEWA Offices.
  • E-services - Online payment - Payment Service
  • Safeer mall - Ajman.
  • Emirate post.
  • Dubai Islamic Bank ( Al Islami online banking)
  • Emirates NBD.
  • Emirates Islamic Bank.​​​

What are the charges for payment through (Emirates post, Banks and credit cards) ?

  • Emirates post: DHS.2
  • Banks: None.
  • Credit cards: None​

If payment is effected through customer service office, emirates post or banks, will FEWA system update it immediately ?

Yes, it is updated immediately.​

How ETIHADWE bills are delivered ?

EtihadWE​​ delivers the bill through:

    Home delivery.

What are the documents required for water and electricity connection ?

  • Passport copy.
  • Copy of Civil Registration ( UAE nationals).
  • Building licence.
  • Plot plan.​
  • NOC letter from municipality.
  • House loads Card (form is available at EtihadWE offices ​and the electrician approved by EtihadWE).
  • Drawings approved and signed by EtihadWE​.
  • House bill (the father or a rented house).

What is the process of applying for water and electricity meter inspection ?

Meter inspection application form are available at EtihadWE​ customer service office.​

What are the procedures for relocating the meter outside the house ?

​An application is to be submitted enclosed with the following :
Title deed _ house plan _ D. H 200 fees.​​

What are the procedures for closing account and obtaining release letter ?

Customer should apply through the customer service office located in his/her region, to stop water and electricity supply and take the final readings of the meter, accordingly the release letter will be issued for the customer.

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