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20 Jun 2019

The Federal Electricity and Water Authority signs a contract to upgrade the cybersecurity of the Control Center

​A few days ago, The Federal Electricity and Water Authority signed a contract with the Open Systems International Company‪ (OSI) under which, ‬The company upgrades the cybersecurity systems used at the Authority's Control Center at a cost of around nine million dirhams. ‬‬‬‬‬
The Director General, Mohammed Mohammed Saleh, said that the Federal Electricity and Water Authority, aware of the strategic importance of the SCADA system , based on its role in maintaining the quality of production and efficient workflow and decision-making. On this basis, it seeks through this contract to employ the latest global systems used in the field of cybersecurity related to control centers, relying on one of the world's leading companies in providing practical solutions, design and development of digital systems.‪‬‬‬‬‬‬

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