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SmartPass is your single credential to access UAE Government Services
Approved L.V. Consultants List
Service Code: 357-02-001-000
Application by the customer or owner of premises to connect Water supply to the facility
Main Customer Services Centers
Monday – Thursday : 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday : 7:00 AM – 11:30 AM
EtihadWE Website
Submit Application Online
Use of Electricity and/or Water service for the required premises is according to the Consumption Category as mentioned above only.
If you want to change premises type, Sell, or lease the property, which differs from the type as mentioned above, please visit nearest Customer Services Center to initiate the following:
Failure in complying with the above is against the terms & conditions of Etihad WE and is subject to the following procedural actions:
Consumers of Electricity & Water Services shall abide by the following rules, regulations and any amendments thereto, adopted by Etihad WE from time to time in accordance with business requirements.
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