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31 Mar 2023

Etihad Water and Electricity (EtihadWE) Unveils Next-Phase Priorities at Ramadan Gathering

     Under the auspices of Eng. Yousif Ahmed Al Ali, Chief Executive Officer, and in the presence of numerous senior officials, Etihad Water and Electricity (EtihadWE) convened a Ramadan gathering in Ajman. The event was attended by over 600 employees.

     Following the Iftar, the CEO delivered a speech welcoming the attendees and highlighting that Etihad Water and Electricity Company is on the cusp of a new phase, during which it endeavors to meet the leadership's aspirations by providing services of the highest standards of efficiency and quality, while maintaining the highest levels of customer satisfaction and achieving desired economic growth. He emphasized that the company's workforce is its primary capital and that they play a crucial role in achieving the set objectives.

     Subsequently, a brief video clip, created by the Human Capital Department’s team and led by Shaikha Murad Karam, Acting Executive Director of Shared Services, was shown. The clip shed light on the priorities of the upcoming phase and some of its key initiatives, including the "National Development Program”, which aims to equip dozens of targeted individuals with specialized skills in the electricity and water sectors, culminating in a national diploma. Additionally, the "Emerging Etihad Leaders Program” was showcased, which focuses on specific fields and enables participants to obtain specialized certificates. Prior to the conclusion of the gathering, a draw was conducted, offering a range of valuable prizes.

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